Wednesday, March 01, 2006

FLOOR SCRUBBING OLD HAGS UNITE!!!!! Darling, are you fabulous??? But the world around you (and those PEEEEEEEEEople!) just don't measure up to your standards??? Well, don't spill your martini, doll. Have we got the place for you. Announcing the launch of the new "Queen Bee" support group. Joan Crawford wannabes welcome! We meet Wednesdays and Saturdays and. . . . . . .hell, we meet whenever the hell the mood strikes us!!! A rope of pearls in NOT optional, everyone. It's a MUST!!! Cocktails served only two times a day: AM or PM. Meals are served, however, simply in order to provide our FABULOUS divas (like YOU, dear) the opportunity to push their plates away in disgust or simply to place ground glass in someone's champagne. Get RID of the DEADWOOD!!! We provide corpse disposal services for any riff raff you just HAVE to dispense with. But darling, make sure what you're wearing doesn't clash with any spattered hemoglobin. We DO have certain standards to uphold, you know. So tool your Rolls on over and get in on the ground floor (so you can sneer at all those who join AFTER you). You'll love yourself (even more) when you do!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful club, and just the kind of place for "our kind". I need a place for me, for me FOR ME!, because frankly I've become sick of everything... I'm sick of these walls, I'm sick of that sofa. The only thing I'm not sick of; is that door, cause that's how I'm getting out!
