Monday, August 07, 2006

NOW THAT THE MALL IS DYING AS A MAJOR FORCE IN AMERICAN LIFE, I was thinking about some of my favourite movies in which a mall features prominently. Naturally (or SUPERnaturally), the quintessential comment of America's consumerism was George A Romero's "Dawn of the Dead":

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And, of course, Quentin Tarantino staged the major maguffin in "Jackie Brown", the heist, inside the largest indoor mall:

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But nowhere was the mall celebrated to quite the extent as it was in Kevin Smith's underrated "Mallrats":

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What are some of your favourite "Mall Movies"???


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Valley Girl. "Man, he's like tripendicular, ya know?"

    You mentioned Mallrats. "You fuckers think just because a guy reads comics he can't start some shit?"

    Hmmm--not a movie, but the episode of Buffy where she gets to use a rocket launcher to demolish the Judge, then moments later kicks Angelus right in the nuts--thus saving everyone in the mall.

    That's all I got. The best mall moments in my memory actually happened to me. Like when my best friend got kicked out of Echelon mall for wearing a shirt that said "Pink Floyd Sucks".

  2. if memory serves, wasn't the end of bill & ted's excellent adventure set in a mall?? haven't seen it since the theatre, so it's quite possible i'm completely wrong. but i kinda recall seeing so-crates on an escalator...

  3. How about "Scenes from a Mall" and I don't remember the name of the movie but it starred Sinbad and Ahhnald and it was about fathers looking for a much sought after toy on Christmas Eve (kinda reminescent of the Cabbage Patch kids craze of the 80's)and duh how about Fast Times at Ridgemont High? My dad's got an awesome set of tools. And a hag gagger.

  4. Chopping Mall!!!

    Which began with a cameo with Paul Bartel and Mary Wornov reprising their roles of Paul and Mary Bland from Eating Raoul.

    Actually after it starts it is a real piece of crap about motorized security robots killing a bunch of horny teens.
