Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Oh, I got plenty of nuttin'
And nuttin's plenty for me
I got no car
I got no mule
I got no misery
Oh, I got plenty of nuttin'
And nuttin's plenty for me
I got the sun
I got the moon
I got the deep blue sea


  1. Yeah. . .

    I had nothing to put up on my blog so the Finkmeister suggested I post about having nothing to post.

    See that...

    Be careful what you wish for. . .

  2. Damn, that is one sexy momma!!! oh, and i see that Estrada guy is tainting the sexiness of the spread.

  3. Odd that you should use the word "spread".

  4. i THOUGHT you'd enjoy that little photo!

  5. And I wanna know JUST where Finky's left hand is.

  6. to hell with the fact he said "spread" he said "taint"

  7. Well, we EXPECTED as much from HIM, now DIDN'T we?!? Shirley you're not surprised Finky has sunk so low. They DO say that even when you're down in the gutter you can still look up at the stars -- but Finky only managed to look up at Estrada's sack!

  8. Well, I just don't know what to say now. You called me Shirley but in the same breath you mention Estrada sack. So I call that a gimme. And as soon as I am all better from the black plague maybe we can frolick if it ever gets warm and stops raining.

  9. You're sick too?!?!? EVERYBODY'S sick, it seems. Whassamattah, why don't you do like me and drink straight pickle juice. That wards off anything. Including friends.

  10. oh and just for the record the last comment I made, when I went to do the little alphabet soup you gotta do to get the comment to post, well, for the last one it was ledvrgani. Led Virgina that's a new rock band.
