Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Music of the Spheres (Tibetan Singing Bowls)


  1. That's no big deal I can do that with wine glasses. But if I can be serious for a moment. The bowl you got, is it comparable to any of the ones in this video? What's the thing he was caressing the bowl with? And lastly, I don't know if it was just a coincidence but after watching the video I felt more centered and at peace. Now, is there any way you can smoke them?

  2. Here are the main points again:

    1) The only thing YOU can do with wine glasses is knock them over and break them!

    2) I DOUBT if you can be serious for EVEN a moment.

    3) It's bowls . . .not bowl, I got. And yes and yes. Actually, while my smaller bowl is comparable with any of those shown, my large bowl is actually BETTER than any shown. It's a master grade bowl graded 100% in the tone department, jack!

    4) That thing is called a bowl caresser. OK, not really but that's what I'M gonna start callin' it.

    5) And yes, I think it was just a coincidence. Or the drugs have kicked in.

    6) No.
