Tuesday, April 15, 2008

IT'S WITH GREAT REGRET I HAVE TO ANNOUNCE THE DEATH THIS MORNING OF HORROR QUEEN HAZEL COURT: star of countless classic horror films with the likes of Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and many more. Perhaps most historically significant for the genre, Hazel Court was the heroine of the very first colour Hammer Horror film: THE CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN; which began the long reign of the movie studio that dripped blood! I was lucky enough to meet Hazel on a couple of occasions and she was also very kind and giving to her fans. The very first time I met her was at the first Monster Mania conventions. I bumped into her there -- almost literally. I was entering a doorway and she was coming out. She had not been listed as one of the convention guests so I was quite flabbergasted to recognize her. After I excused myself and stepped out of her way, it registered who she was and I stammered something lame like: "Why, you're Hazel Court!!!!!" And she smiled and said, "You're right!" I later chatted with her briefly when I got her autographed photo (and when Hammer Horror star Ingrid "Countess Dracula" Pitt wasn't constantly trying to recruit me as her personal assistant. . . . . . . . but that's another story and a LOOOOOOOOOONG one) and Hazel Court was gracious and thrilled to have so many fans. During a wonderful Q&A session, she reminisced about her career and regaled us with anecdotes concerning Vincent Price and Peter Cushing particularly. Hazel and her late husband had quite a strong connection to the Philadelphia area (of which I am in a close by suburb) and the art community there. She only just now released her autobiography and it's very sad that she is no longer here to brighten up the horror convention circuit. She'll be greatly missed by all us true horror fans.
Some of my favourite Hazel Court roles:
The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) w/Peter Cushing & Christopher Lee
The Raven (1963) w/ Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre & Jack Nicholson


  1. I read about Hazel's passing yesterday ... I though of you immediately!

  2. My computer crashes and I come back on line to this dreadful news!
    Hazel was a real beauty and had a wonderful voice.

  3. Pax,

    Awwww, i always wanted people to hear death and think of me! No, seriously. But anyway, hopefully I won't forget to bring the autographed photo of her on Sunday.


    She certainly was. Even though I only saw her face to face in her last years, she was still a real lady. Quiet and reserved but also very happy to see all of her fans and quite appreciative of them as well. It's so sad that so many greats have gone in the last few years. Now, all we have to look forward to at horror conventions are some guys who played Jason in Friday the 13th Part 111.
