Monday, October 05, 2020


 A little while ago I was sashayin' through the interwebs and stumbled across a blast from my past:  a poster called NIGHTMARE which was designed to be used with a black light. 

I bought this in the early 1970s when I was a kid in the Spencer's Gifts store in the Cherry Hill Mall.  The reason I know I bought it in the Spencer's in the Cherry Hill Mall is because I was there a lot when my mother worked at Regal Slacks (and who remembers THAT store?!?!?!) in the self-same Mall.  Does anyone know what a black light is?  Does anyone know what Spencer's is (or was . . . do they still exist?). 

In fact, the Spencer's Gifts in the Cherry Hill Mall apparently was the first ever store that opened in 1963 so it was probably 10 years old when I was running around in there.  For that matter, does anyone still know what a Mall is?  Anyway, Spencer's always had an alcove waaaaaaaay in the back of the store that was lit only with black lights and all the freaky stuff was back there; and if you had a white shirt on it would glow with the black light.  Back there they also had all the black light posters and I bought this poster because I was a kid and it had monsters and it was cool!  I wonder if I still have that poster in a box somewhere??? 



  1. What great flashback. I think Steve Banes of The Horrors of it All owns one of these posters. I remember seeing it at our local fair as a prize when i was a kid.

  2. Nice! This poster is apparently better known than I ever imagined. Maybe all us monster kids bought one back in the 70s?!?!
