There's a woman named Sandra Curtis. Her sister has been abductipated by a group of Satanists. While acting out drunkenly in a local bar, the police are called. Officer Nick Berkley arrives and escorts her to his police car. She passes out. Officer Nick stares repeatedly at her nether regions barely covered by her short skirt. Ms. Curtis wakes up the next morning having been safely put to bed. She wants to thank the cop for taking her home and not arresting her. She calls Officer Nick. He is naked in bed romping with a large-breasted naked lady on top of him. We never see her again in the rest of the movie. Sandra asks Officer Nick if he would let her hire him to find her sister. This apparently is commonly done. Officer Nick takes a week off and plays private dick with Sandra who go around interviewing random people. Sandra comes home to find her cat dead in the refrigerator. An obvious signal from the Satanists that they can "get to you". A hysterical Sandra is escorted from the kitchen by the historian/archeologist Professor P.J. (whom they have roped into aiding them in their quest). Officer Nick reaches around the frozen cat to get himself a popsicle. Interspersed are scenes where we see the actual Satanists who are about as competent as the Keystone Kops and bicker with each other incessantly. At some point a demon-monster is released and causes mayhem; killing people who then resurrect as demony monsters themselves.
My Main Talent!
Yes, this is a pretty terrible movie. Every scene seems to go on too long with actors looking bewildered as to why the director hasn't cut yet and what they should do with themselves until he does! Tamara Hext as Sandra Curtis never made another movie; it's understandable but she not THAT bad. Tom Campitelli as Officer Nick is pretty silly and not a very good actor either but he does have several movie credits including DARK ANGEL. Director Gary Marcum (who also never made another movie and that's MORE understandable) seems to think Campitelli's main talent is to be shirtless as he IS for about half the movie. After all this, though, the movie does have it's own dumb charm and I guess was worth watching. I ain't mad at it.
Where did you find this movie to watch? It sounds pretty bad-good and worth checking out.
ReplyDeleteWhere did you watch this? Is it available on a streaming service or do you own it? It sounds bad-good and like something I need to check out!
ReplyDeleteI would probably watch it, as well, dumb or not.
ReplyDeleteJoe, Definitely . . . dumb is not a negative! :D
Recently Vinegar Syndrome put out a beautiful blu ray with slipcover; I have a monthly subscription to receive everything Vinegar Syndrome puts out. I don't know if it's available streaming anywhere, though. Anybody know?
It's currently available on Tubi