YOU'LL DIE LAUGHING! When I was a kid, I'd head on down to Thor's Drugstore on Westfield Avenue (or any other store for that matter) to buy some goodies while I was staying at my grandparents' huge old house. There I'd pick up the new issue of Justice League of America (Oh look, the JLA are visiting Adam Strange on the planet Rann) and a pack or two of Blackjack gum. But what's this??? I'm not generally a collector of bubblegum cards but. . .
In the early to mid-70's, the second series of You'll Die Laughing/Creature Feature bubblegum cards was issued. Now, these are cards featuring a B&W still from a monster movie on the front and a REALLY LAME joke on the back. The border is purple with a lotta grey where the joke is printed. And when you're about 8 years old, there are the neatest thing!

So, naturally one can pick up these cards nowadays on ebay for sometimes reasonable prices. There was a series before this one which looked totally different (they were all Jack Davis illustrations of monsters instead of the still photographs) and a series after this which looked almost the same as the second series. But the 70's one is still the only one for me. There's something about that purple and grey piece of cardboard which rockets me right back to Westfield Avenue and those weekends spent with my grandparents.

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