As promised, more hodgepodge. There are several things concerning New Year's Day found in old timey folklore which I think are quite fun.

- Wish every person you meet on New Year's Day a "Happy New Year!" and you will have good luck all year. It is a friendly thing to do.
- On New Year's Day, always cook and eat some kind of food that swells, and your pocketbook will be swollen all year. Black-eyed peas and hog jowl say some, cabbage say others.
- Eat green beans and dried peas/On New Year's Day/You'll have greenbacks and silver/All your way.
- On New Year's Day, always do a little bit of something that you hope to continue doing during the year. If you plan to write a book during the year, write a few sentences. If you want to knit a lot, do a few stitches. If you want to travel, study a map or walk around the block. Of you plan to learn how to cook, read a cookbook or boil an egg. It is always good to think ahead and to make a start at doing something on New Year's Day.
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