Wednesday, February 19, 2025

OUR 20th ANNIVERSARY 2005 - 2025

 OH YEAH . . . I ALMOST FORGOT.  This year is the 20th anniversary of this here blog.  All I can say is . . . wow.

1 comment:

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Ah yes, I can remember when the blog was an infant and just learning to walk and talk. I remember you posting about Tom, the first cat that would lead to the feral colony you had for so many years with Ma and Pa Kettle. And it made me choke up for the first time. Then there was the announcement you were leaving The Hellmouth. All of which is responsible (Pax too) for me creating my first blog (The Dharma and Greg Project) so many years ago in 2006.

Two words: Blueberry Buckle

Ahh the memories and that's just the earliest ones I remember. Here's to another 20 years.