Friday, July 14, 2023



I'm sure I'll get around to the other annoying things humans do in good time.  And as usual, my hero Fran Lebowitz puts it so well in the third episode of PRETEND IT'S A CITY:    "As far as wanting to go places, I can’t believe people do it for fun. When I’m in airports, and I see people going on vacations, I think, ‘How horrible could your life be? How bad is your regular life, that you think, you know what would be fun? Let’s get the kids, go to the airport, with thousands of pieces of luggage, stand in these lines, be yelled at by a bunch of morons, leave late, be squished all together—and this is better than our actual life.'” 

Yes, people are perplexing to me.  When you spend so much time making the place you live as comfortable and filled with things you love as possible -- then you constantly want to pick up and leave it to go somewhere.  I can see picking up and going to Tuscany or the Isle of Skye because you'd want to move there to live -- but to go there and just come back again???  Surely there's a travel documentary you can watch and avoid all the horrors of travel and experience any place in the world to the best advantage.  From a distance.  On your comfy sofa.  Out of the heat and bad weather.  Away from crowds.  This is why I have made it a long-running tradition to go to the 'Stay Inside Festival' every year

and I can't recommend it highly enough!  AND I got this cool T-shirt too!!! 


Cheeks DaBelly said...

Speaking of which we're going on a two week Alaskan cruise. 12 days on a boat full of shit and vomit and 2 days walking around on frozen tundra with Quinn the Eskimo. So we're gonna need you to feed Shadow and Tink. Oh wait that was before I came to my senses. Never mind, carry on.

Cerpts said...

That's the MIGHTY Quinn, to you. And yes, I'll carry on . . . carry on like a prancing maniac!

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Prancing is EXACTLY how I pictured you carrying on!

Cerpts said...

And you'd better make sure you never STOP picturing that!