FEBRUARY HAS COME TO AN END. Does this signal the end of FINUARY?!?!?! Oh no, it can't be!!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaand it isn't. See, I didn't do as well with watching as many shitty shark movies as I wanted due to this being a particularly shitty month for me. So yeah, I was a little disappointed in myself. Felt like a bucket of chum. HEY! That's not a shitty shark movie; that's a really GOOD one!!!
However, due to popular demand, I have been convinced to extend FINUARY into the month of March. That's right, my little minnows. FINUARY is slopping over into TWICE BITTEN MARCH MUNCH!!! But hey, I'll still be calling it all FINUARY. So by the end of February, here are the shitty shark movies I've managed to make my way through. We'll just call them the unlucky 13:
So check back in TWICE BITTEN MARCH MUNCH month to see what other goofy shark flicks I subject myself to!