TAKE MY MUSIC QUIZ!: Alright all you slackers, it's time to answer some questions. I got (stole) this idea (and a couple questions)from the new issue of Uncut magazine but the other questions I made up all by my little self. I'll put my own answers after each question and then you can post a comment with your very own revealing answers. So here we go:
1. What's the first record you bought?
Actually, it was The Beatles' Abbey Road.
2. What's the song that reminds you of your childhood?
Um. . .really young, it would be "Sweetie Bear" (shut up!) and a little older it would be "True Love" by Peaches & Herb (my mommy used to sing it to me every night....when she wasn't singing Johnny Mercer's "Ugly Child" to me, that is).
3. What's the first record you remember dancing to?
"I Don't Love You Anymore" by Teddy Pendergrass.
4. The first record you had sex to?
Sadly, there was no music playing. But I think I had a kazoo. . .
5. What's the last album you listened to?
"Discovery" by Daft Punk
6. What's your favourite album?
Kate Bush's "Hounds of Love"
7. What's your favourite song?
"Black" by Pearl Jam. My 2nd favourite song is "A Change Is Gonna Come" though.
8. What song best represents/describes/sums up your current relationship or, if you're not in one right now, your former relationship?
Ooooooo! I would have to say "Storms" by Fleetwood Mac sums it up pretty well.
9. What 3 singers/groups would you cover in honey, bury up to their necks in sand and release the killer ants upon if you had the chance?
Michael Bolton, Creed and Dashboard Confessional. . .in that order.
10. What's your Mom's favourite song?
"Blue Eyes" by Elton John, anything from Bowie's "Ziggy Stardust" album, "Look at You Look at Me" by Dave Mason, "Creep" by Radiohead, "Do You Know What I Mean" by Lee Michaels, Beast of Burden by the Rolling Stones. . .OK, I'm beginning to think she doesn't know WHAT her favourite song is. My father's is "Gimme Shelter", how bout that???? Hold on, wait a minute! She's got one and she's sure this is her favourite song now: Neil Young's "Harvest Moon".
OK, pals o'mine. Let's here your answers.