Tuesday, January 21, 2025



All the details as usual can be found on my letterboxd list right here .

And click here to see my tmdb list of all the movies AND TV shows I watched in 2024.

Then there's my yootuberz playlist (click here) with all the movie trailers of every film I watched in 2024!

Here are my most watched starry stars of 2024:

And here are my most watched directors:

And that makes the Star of the Year Rod Taylor!

And TMDB was a little late with their "That's A Wrap!" thang, but it's out and here are my top movies, worst movies and top TV shows watched in 2024 . . . 


Cheeks DaBelly said...

We have one actor and one director in common on our top 20 lists. And believe it or slurp it my numero uno was Grace Stafford. If'n you don't want to count voice over work for cartoons (cause you know Letterboxd don't like to count them some days) you have to go all the way down to Boris Karloff to get to someone who actually appeared in films. My top director was Paul J. Smith who just happened to direct Stafford in nearly everything she did that made it to my list. Now if you want to go to a director that wasn't just a cartoon director you need to go to David Lynch. An interesting year to say the least and I see big changes coming in 2025.

Cheeks DaBelly said...

And don't think I didn't notice The Fox and The Hound was your first film of the year either.

Cerpts said...

You saw that last January . . . but since you have no short term memory it's all exciting and new . . . like looooooooooooove.

Cerpts said...

Yes, I actually self-edited cartoon-only voice actors (or else Mel Blanc would've been number one) and cartoons-only directors not becuz of letterboxd but because I always do - it's too easy for cartoon voice actors & directors to clog up the most-watched list. Sorry gang, but that's the way it is 'round hyah. So yeah, then Boris woulda been your number one star and Lynch your numbah one director. S'far as THIS hyah idiot is concerned

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Well at least you can't kill Jack Jones by singing the Love Boat theme cause he already dead.

Cerpts said...

You're assuming I DIDN'T already kill him. But no, I actually didn't. Unless you call putting some of his Christmas songs on your Christmas Cerpts killing him . . . . hmmm, when did he die and when did I make those cds?????

Cheeks DaBelly said...

He died late October and now I'm less sure you didn't have anything to do with it. Where is your sickle?

Cerpts said...

OK I don't think I made those cds until after he was dead so i'm innocent . . . of killing Jack Jones, that is.

Cheeks DaBelly said...

I think you're going to be on season 5 of Only Murders in the Building. As the killer, of course!

Cheeks DaBelly said...

And you're also guilty of being cute as a button!

Cerpts said...

I know you are but what am I?

Cerpts said...

What is that, a show or something???

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Only Murders in the Building is a murder mystery show starring Steve Martin, Selena Gomez, and Martin Short. It's pretty good so far. I've seen the first two seasons and the basic idea is someone gets murdered each season and they have a podcast about it and try to figure out who the killer is. Lots of guest stars!

Cerpts said...

TWO SEASONS?!?!?!?!? That sounds pretty good. Sounds like I need to check that out one of these days

Cheeks DaBelly said...

I think season 5 just ended in fact!

Cheeks DaBelly said...

And cute as a button isn't as big of a come on as you think it does even if you are, ya know, round with four holes.

Cheeks DaBelly said...

And what is that picture of? Piggy paws? What the heck is piggy paws cause I ain't never seen no pigs with feet like dat.

Cerpts said...

Let's leave my ex out of this.

Cerpts said...

Hee hee hee I think dat's very funny!!!

Cerpts said...


Cheeks DaBelly said...

Oh speaking of which ...