Tuesday, December 31, 2024



Only a couple entries to round out the month.  As always, I'm colour-coding each one for Team Santa, Team Krampus or Team Elf.  Following that, I'll have the final tally which will determine which team I ended up on for December.  Care to take a wild guess???

    • Nice Prompts - 4
    • Naughty Prompts - 7

    • Nice Prompts - 8
    • Naughty Prompts - 9

    • Nice Prompts - 5
    • Naughty Prompts - 8

    • Nice Prompts - 11
    • Naughty Prompts - 7

So there you have it.  No books got corn-pleted during this short week so for another week I ended up on Team Krampus.  And for the first week, nothing ended up in the Team Elf column!

But let's take a look at the box scores:

        Team Santa - 23 points

        Team Krampus - 37 points

        Team Elf - 5 points

Well, it was never really in any doubt, was it.  For the 2024 HOLIDAY HELL-A-THON, I ended up on TEAM KRAMPUS!!!

Wasn't even close, really - despite ol' Santa winning a week.  Still, this was a HELL of a lotta fun and I look forward to doing it again next year.  Thanks Kelsi!


Cheeks DaBelly said...

OK now do me! Then get my score figured out after you do that.

Cerpts said...

WHADDAYA THINK I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO AT WORK THAN TO FIGURE OUT YOUR HOLIDAY HELL-A-THON?!?!?!??! Well, yeah, I probably don't have anything better to do . . . actually nothing that happens at work is important anyway . . .

Cerpts said...

OH . . . and did I mention YOU ABSOLUTE LAZY BASTID!!!!!!

Cheeks DaBelly said...

I get it but I just don't wanna do it.

Cerpts said...

You poopy ol' stick in the mud you!

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Is THAT what's on the end of my stick?

Cerpts said...

Most times, yes!

Cheeks DaBelly said...

So did youze do my list year? Huh Huh? Let's go Inquiring minds want to know. That's me, I'm inquiring.

Cerpts said...

I told ya I promise I'll have that done by April . . . probably the first day of that month.

Cerpts said...

Of course, to be cereal for a moment, it's gonna take a while with all the crap you watched and all the prompts to go thru so it won't be done overnight.

Cheeks DaBelly said...

I'm in no hurry. I can help you out by telling you I didn't read any book. They're just too wordy.

Cerpts said...

Those pesky words cluttering up those books can be frustrating

Cerpts said...

Jesus Christ !!!!!!!

. . . . was booooooooooooooorn on Christmas Day! You have four diary pages of December watches on letterboxd; it would take me until NEXT Christmas to fill out all your prompts, you street licker!!!

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Oh dear, that does pose a problem. Strike a pose!! Rita Hayworth gave good face!

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Lookit dis, three weeks after this cluster f ended and I still don't know what team I'm on! Story of my life actually.

Cerpts said...

Seems like this calls for a "Big Pig" Sandwich and a cup of whuppass

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Aw man are you talking about the sammich dat guy from the food network had with KC Chiefs coach Andy Reid? Now dat was a pulled pork sammich lawd gawd allmightee!!

Cerpts said...

I did not see that on the food network -- in fact I haven't seen ANYTHING on the food network for about a year -- I dunno maybe it's because my Mom and I used to watch food network all the time and I haven't felt like watching it lately -- but yes, that's Porky Pig I mean Andy Reid's fave sandwich -- they mentioned it during some KC football game I was watching and GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY that's some sandwich . . . and it ain't just pulled pork but that's all piled on top of a piece of (I assume) fried chicken all on one sandwich. If there was no chicken it was a fraudulent Big Pig!

Cheeks DaBelly said...

I just looked it up and it's a pulled pork patty on top of a breaded and fried pork tenderloin. Looked good but I could do without some of the accoutrements.

Cerpts said...

PORK TENDERLOIN?!?!?!? That's even better. Piggy on piggy!!! That's like that sandwich I used to get at Famous Dave's -- pork on top of pork on top of pork or something.

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Yessir. Now put it on top of me and you'd never know when to stop eating. Me = the other white meat!

Cerpts said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yes I would know when to stop eating! You contain too much fat and cholesterol!!!!