Thursday, April 20, 2006

FLASHBACK TO LAST MONTH, YOU HIPPIES, IN MY VERY OWN TIME MACHINE!!! Well, even though it was LAST month that I had a comic book theme, I have now commandeered Rip Hunter's Time Machine (old 60's DC Comics reference, folks) and have travelled back to last month so I can pass along this fun little task for you. Just click on this link and it will take you to a site where you can see what DC Comics were on the newstand the day you were born (or ANY date in the past you'd like to visit). Kinda like that Time Magazine cover thing (HIYA PAX!!!). Have fun.


Pax Romano said...
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Pax Romano said...


Looks like Lois Lane adopted a super baby the month I was born. Coincidence? I think not!

up , up and aawwaaayyyyyy