And those five movies are: Stagecoach (which, if you'll look over there to the right, you'll see I've already managed to watch before beddy-bye tonight), One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Casino, The Thomas Crown Affair and Cape Fear. Oh yes, Cheekies also gave me two new DVDCerpts (don't ask if you don't know). Of course, it would be nice if they played in my DVDplayer but they don't. . .um, didja forget to FINALIZE the discs, Alexandre Dumbass?!?! But I digress. The points are still yours.

But yes, as for finally seeing STAGECOACH. . .I pretty much like every John Ford movie I've ever seen and this is no different. Rightly considered a classic (and I'm not what you'd call a "Western Fan"). I'm also not what you'd consider a John Wayne fan; but put him in the hands of John Ford (or Howard Hawks, for that matter) and I just might consider it. The beginning of the film was fine but didn't really grab me as anything special. The weird thing about the movie, though, is that it slowly creeps up on you until, before you know it, you're riveted. Ford handles the quiet, character-driven moments with just as much expertise as the action sequences (and let me tell you the action scenes are white-knuckle impressive even after all these years). But what REALLY sells the movie is the incredible ensemble cast. STAGECOACH made John Wayne a star but he's surrounded with expert character players all. Claire Trevor as the (ahem) fallen woman Dallas is absolutely fantastic; I think I like her more in THIS role even than her Oscar-winning turn in KEY LARGO!!! And perennial king of the character actors Thomas Mitchell also well-deserves his Oscar for this performance as a drunken doctor who still manages to function when called upon to do so.
Add in southern gambler John Carradine, stagecoach driver Andy Devine and milquetoast hooch salesman Donald Meek and all the stock, potentially-stereotypical characters take on a depth and emotional weight that's surprising for 1939; there's not a cardboard character among 'em. In fact, even the cameos are first rate with Tim Holt (of THE TREASURE OF SIERRA MADRE) as a Cavalry lieutenant and Tom Tyler (Kharis the Mummy of Universal's THE MUMMY'S HAND) as black-hatted killer hombre Luke Plummer.

So round one is a resounding success for STAGECOACH. And for Cheekies and Faere for such a well-thought-out gift.
Sheesh, you dont waste any time do's you? I guess I need to address certain points. Seeing as how this was the second time I have seen youse since Christmas, it's actually not that bad. Faere had no idea abut the presents until we entered best buy with the list in my hand and I had already picked one or two titles out. It was then that she realized what I was doing. So pfft. Ummm ... finalize? I'm kinda new at this please excuse me. Bring 'em over next time and I can do it then, I guess. Which will probably be in time for Halloween! Actually, no we are planning a road trip Friday to New Hope maybe you can get the day off and join us. Glad you liked Stagecoach, here's to you enjoying the rest of 'em. TTFN Deathly
And now, here are the main points again. . .
No, I don't waste any time.
Ah, Faere's trying to steal all the glory, eh????
Um, yes, finalize. If you don't finalize the DVD (as well as cds) it will not play in ANY player. Ever.
Well, you can bet I'm-a-gonna be askin' off Friday first thing tomorrow morning. But are you going to the Witchy half of New Hope or the Gay half??? Not that it matters, of course, I'll dress appropriately for BOTH! Now where's that Stevie Nicks outfit.......?????
Good, get the day off, wear something bright and colorful, drink some pineapple juice and come with us to New Hope! Cool beans, you betcha. But what do you mean which half? What's the dif? Now, some other things I have noticed about your headder; besides the Batman stance, the other thing that bothers me is I never knew big blue was a smoker. But is Robin slobbering over Wonder Woman's ass? And who s this Karen Page?
About the header:
Yes he is.
Yes he is.
I don't know.
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