12 ANGRY MEN (1957) - 12 jurors locked in a hot room trying to decide a murder case. Electric fan spins. Handkerchiefs wipe brows. Tempers flare as hot as the outside temperature.

DEATH ON THE NILE (1978) - My perfect idea for a summer vacation: a trip down the Nile on a riverboat with Belgian detective Hercule Poirot and the bodies piling up around me. Of course, the cocktails continue to flow. . .including that infamous drink The Crocodile. Barman! This crocodile's lost it's croc!!!
THE DEVIL'S REJECTS (2005) - I can't think of many more movies that convey the sweltering heat better than this dry and dusty bloodfest from Rob Zombie which VASTLY improves on his previous House of 1000 Corpses. Truly unsettling enough to give you goosebumps in a heat wave!

THE DUNWICH HORROR (1970) - I'm not sure exactly WHAT time of year this movie is supposed to take place but it's not winter or fall and has always felt like summer to me. Particularly the end with the (what feels to me like) hot summer wind whipping through the trees as Wilbur Whateley's demonic (and invisible) half-brother terrorizes the local populace (as well as Sandra Dee). Listen for the whipporwills. . .
THE FLESH EATERS (1964) - This sleazy b&w horror takes places on a tropical desert island under the blazing sun. The island plays host to an ex-Nazi mad doctor (the ALWAYS Nazi-portraying Martin Kosleck) and swarms of. . .SOMETHING. . .that will eat the flesh right off of you.

JAWS (1975) - OK, maybe too obvious but I remember vividly the furor caused by this book and movie the summer it came out. I was just a kid and didn't get in to the theater to see it. This was also the first summer blockbuster film.

KEY LARGO (1948) - What could be more summery than a group of people trapped by gangsters in a hotel in the Florida Keys during hurricane season? I mean. . .I ask you!
LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT (1962) - My my but the air is stifling in here. Perfectly fitting for the single hot summer day depicted in this often harrowing (and brilliant) film version of Eugene O'Neill's play starring Katharine Hepburn, Ralph Richardson, Jason Robards and Dean Stockwell.
THE LOVE LETTER (1999) - Events take place around the 4th of July in the mythical New England town which is in reality filmed in my most beloved areas of Massachusetts. . .and THAT'S why I love watching this film. . .because I recognize each place in each scene. Oh and there's actors doing stuff in front of them apparently.
ROCK 'N' ROLL WRESTLING WOMEN VS. THE AZTEC MUMMY (1964) - Summer isn't summer without a film starring Las Luchadoras -- those rockin' Wrestling Women who fight monsters in between bouts in the ring.
ON GOLDEN POND (1981) - The story of an aging couple's last summer on Golden Pond with enough skinny dipping, fishing, sailing and strawberry picking to make the summer feeling come alive.

SAY ANYTHING... (1989) - Yet another final day of school. However, unlike Dazed and Confused, the movie only STARTS on the last day of school and depicts the entire summer following. Oh, and kickboxing . . .the sport of the future.

STAND BY ME (1986) - That nostalgic summer when a group of boys go looking for a corpse. If only MY boyhood summers were this good!
SUMMER STOCK (1950) - OK, I suppose I had to have a summery musical and this is it. It's summer and Gene Kelly convinces Judy Garland to put on a show in the barn. Come on, this is summery as lemonade, folks!
SUMMERTIME (1955) - OK, I guess this one WAS too obvious but the depiction of spinster Katharine Hepburn's summer trip to Venice is yet another perfect summer vacation.

TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE (1948) - That desert heat again. And that desert greed. Again, another classic "hot" movie that belongs in every summer movie marathon. Like this one.
TWISTER (1996) - I can't begin my summer without watching this craptacular cheesefest featuring a raging Bill Paxton. Dontcha just love tornado hunters?
THE WAR OF THE WORLDS (1953) - the perfect 50's summer science fiction invasion movie which begins on a warm summer's evening during a country square dance. For some reason, I always recall watching this on TV during the summer as a kid.
THE WARRIORS (1979) - A favourite of my parents, this one features the events (extremely WACKY events) of one summer's night where all the gang's come out for a meeting across town and the head gang guy is murdered. Our gang (the Warriors, natch) are framed and have to hightail it BACK to their own turf -- through all the other rival gang's turfs -- who are now out to kill them. Oh warriors.........come out to plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy. . .
WATTSTAX (1973) - The Black Woodstock indeed. This summer music festival to commemorate the anniversary of the Watts riots features a bevy of great 70's Stax artists including the Staples Singers, Rufus Thomas and Isaac Hayes.

So there you have it. Grab a nice cool drink and program some summer movies of your OWN into your DVD. Or better yet -- grab the extension cord and plop your TV on the hood of your car and pretend you're at a drive-in. It works every time!
Such wonderful choices! Of course The Seven Year is one of the best summer movies of all time (right up there with Picnic, which you have never seen).
I have a very special place in my heart for Dazed and Confused (since it is set in my senior year of high-school).
About the only thing I might add is American Graffiti -- which is a late summer film, but still...
You know you won me over with This Property is Condemned, but I'm wondering if that's Paris Hilton in the Dazed & Confused poster? I've never seen the film, but based on the dates she'd be a little young for that picture, non?
HA! You know something. She isn't REALLY in the original movie poster for DAZED AND CONFUSED. And doggone it, doesn't she just look like Paris Hilton. . .
But seriously, no she's wasn't really in Dazed and Confused. Some unscrupulous person just inserted her into the picture.
Sheesh, you can't trust ANYONE these days!!!
Ok seeing as hw I got vacation coming up in a few days, and how I ain't never seen Dazed and Confused, which has everyone at work flabbergasted. Maybe our summer fling frolick vacation time could include it? Huh Huh?? Whatcha think???
I think that would be mandatory. And may I add my voice to the chorus a shocked fucking people that you have NEVER seen Dazed and Confused. Fuck, dude, I think we LIVED it!
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