No, I haven't gotten the puddin' thing out of my system just yet!!! Here's a real blast from my past. When I was a tiny little tot, my mother used to give me Gerber Baby Food's Blueberry Buckle. Now, it wasn't mashed up blueberries or anything like that; it was an actual blueberry puddin', if there is such a thing. Now, it was awesome, let me tell you. It was so good that both my mother and I were both still polishing off jars of it when I was older and in elementary school, in fact. The stuff was incredible! Sadly, sometime in the mid-70's Gerber stopped making the damn thing so we just had to jones. HOWEVER, this little thing called the internet appears to be telling me that Gerber is STILL MAKING Blueberry Buckle. The pessimist in me has a nagging feeling that, if I manage to taste a jar once again, it won't be anywhere near as good as it was when I was a kid. But, hey, as a card-carrying Puddie I have to at least TRY, don't I??? I gotta get me some of this stuff fast, gang! I wonder if the local supermarket has it because, if it doesn't, I'm gonna have to buy this stuff online or something. Puddies Unite!!! Brandish your spoons and stuff some puddin' in your faces!!!!
Well, my darlin' doddily doo I happen to work at said super market and upon returning to work I will shuffle off to the baby food aisle and check to see if there is a buckle on the shelf. So keep your wilttle finger crossed and your toes, while your at it your eyes too. Although don't hold out too much hope the shitty store I work for don't even carry honey nut skippy or Orville pour over butter popcorn. Go fig.
I always said you were the bee's knees!
You know they don't even put sugar in their food? I was once entranced by the gerber mango baby food, and thinking that mushed up mango could be nothing but good, bought a jar.
Ugh. No sugar in it at all. If it tasted like this when I was a child I'm sure it would have been the beginning of a lifetime of eating disorders. Food that tastes that bad is like punishment.
I wish you the best of luck with your buckle, but am highly suspicious of those gerber people...
Suspicious of the gerber people. And yet another conspiracy theory is born!
Blueberry pudding?
Surely you are just toying with me? Would that a pudding made of and flavored with blueberry were available, I'd pay any price (how much do you think Whatshisname would pull in on the open market?).
Here is a whole page of Blueberry Buckle recipes:
And here is a slew of blueberry pudding recipes (though they mostly look like pie and cake type of things):
Oh yes oh yes, Pax. It really was blueberry pudding. Picture vanilla pudding or chocolate pudding -- only turn it purple and make it taste like blueberry. That was it. And it was awesome. God knows what it tastes like now but one can hope.
And yes, Miss Jenny Penny, mashed up mango without sugar would suck pretty hard. However, this was definitely NOT that; it was actual pudding, I promise you. And I'm certain it had sugar in it. Is this "no sugar" thing something Gerber has done since the 70's? If so, I call shenanigans on Gerber because that would make a real Blueberry Buckle (the one I remember) impossible. Time will tell.
Puddie? you are adorable, you know that dontchya?
Ureka!! I am now the proud owner of 2 count em 2 jars of blueberry buckle!! So all I can say my darlin doddy is Jones Bitch!!
Yeah, beeyatch? Well, let's see you come up with some Tuna Twist and some Aspen soda!
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