THOSE WACKY ITALIANS! OK, here we go. Way back in the 70's, when gothic horror knew how to be gothic horror, there was a series of fumetti published in Italy concerning the adventures of a bi-sexual vampire named Zora La Vampira. Now, I don't claim to know anything more about her or the series since I've never actually read them (and since they're in Italian I wouldn't be able to anyway). However, the covers were particularly striking and, for no other reason than because I felt like it, I'm putting several of them up here for your perusal. They are so particularly Italian in their execution with the combination of glossy "good girl" pulp artwork and gothic horror art which looks so completely 70's. They even employ that peculiarly stubborn European tendency to disregard international copyright laws by including swipes from horror movie posters;
that second cover features artwork stolen from a Peter Cushing movie poster and the third cover pictured
features a likeness of German Robles from the Mexican horror movie "Il Vampiro aka The Vampire". Hey! Lookit down there -- Zora's makin' it with a Mummy! What will they think of next?!? Nevertheless, these covers combine the erotic with terror in a series of covers which are just simply groovy. . .and make sure to click on each cover to get a really good look at 'em. But, of course, you may want to bring along some garlic. . .unless you don't mind getting bitten.
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