The second installment of Renfield's Record Rack (please excuse the rats) brings us to another fabulous album to get you in the Halloween mood: CHILLERS by The Folktellers. Now, the finding of this 1983 treasure I owe to Cheekies who discovered it while housesitting at a friend's house one summer day. Of course, he immediately taped it for me (like the good and dutiful doddy that he is) and included it on the legendary Cerpts tape "The Haunted House of Cerpts" (No, don't turn around. . .)
The Folktellers are Connie Regan and Barbara Freeman and this album was actually recorded before a live audience on Halloween. These two ladies REALLY know how to tell a spooky story -- because that's what they do. The entire album is a collection of scary tales which are told so expertly as to chill an audience's blood! The legendary tale of Mr. Fox (Reynardine) is a favourite as well as the tale of Mary Cullhane and her blood oatmeal. It's actually wonderful to hear the reaction of the live audience; whether they listen hushed with rapt attention or shriek when they receive a good scare (as in the classic track "Old Woman All Skin and Bones"). You may be surprise upon hearing this record that the stories are not "cutesy" or "for kids" but can keep adults on the edge of their seats. These are folk tales in the best sense of the word; stories to tell in a darkened room in front of a roaring fireplace while the chill winds of October whip around the house. The Folktellers have another album of Graveyard Tales floating around out there in the ether which is almost as good as this one! As usual, this rare LP is not available on cd but. . .ah, Renfield has his ways. . .
Thanks for the shout out but you know without your little voice in the back of my head, I never woulda went snooping to even find that wonderful album. Of course once I did, the rest was history in the making. Aside from Apollo Cerptsteen, The Haunted House of Cerpts is one of the classics I am most proud of. This is gonna be a great month. And the other side ain't much better.
Yes, I am extremely proud of my ability to gnaw into the back of people's brains like a worm from Hades! But I wouldn't be NOWHERE without a quality cerpts maker who's so thoughtful. I mean, you COULDA taped me Michael Bolton records. . .
Uh, No, I really couldn't.
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